A magazine called ES POSHH!! organizes monthly party event at club ATOM so I joined the party for the first time.

A few weeks ago, I picked up 4 female models from the magazine to do photo shooting for TOKYO SWEET at warp magazine.
At the party, I got some tequila and champagne to be a usual party mode!
When I got a good buzz on. one of the models said "I have such a long tongue."
And then we just started photo shooting like those pictures.

She was whispering " Girls with long tongues give great blow job and are good at sex" into my ear by giggling.
you mean I can prove it????

A few weeks ago, I picked up 4 female models from the magazine to do photo shooting for TOKYO SWEET at warp magazine.
At the party, I got some tequila and champagne to be a usual party mode!
When I got a good buzz on. one of the models said "I have such a long tongue."
And then we just started photo shooting like those pictures.

She was whispering " Girls with long tongues give great blow job and are good at sex" into my ear by giggling.
you mean I can prove it????